Monday, April 27, 2009

Enjoying the sunny weather..

As I have explained before, I get bored very easily. So I decided to make use of the sun last weekend and make this video with my dearest chum Lesley. Just a bit of sillyness really :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009


So. This is my first blog. My blogging cherry has officially been popped (sorry about the imagery there, I was merely setting the tone.. ha! I just used the word merely!) Back to the point. Blogging. This may be quite hard, as I don't find myself particularly interesting and I'm pretty damn sure that not much interesting happens to me. At all. Ever. I mean really, I need to get some hobbies.

You might be wondering who I am. My name's Julia and I am at the ripe old age of 17 (eww, ripe). I tend to have fairly fleeting interests because I get bored VERY quickly. However, I do love photography, films and stories and combos of all three. If I ever do any more of these (which is unlikely as my memory is ridiculous but if I do I swear I will try to cut down on the brackets. Honest) I will probably bring up more sad little things about my life which you really don't want to know.

So anyway, I will only bore you (whoever you are) with my ramblings if I have anything interesting to say which I assure you, will be extreeaaaamly rare. I'll go now, I'm annoying myself.

Julia x