Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Avatar... Where do you bloody begin with Avatar? So I went to see it (probably a good idea, what with me now reviewing it) and I must say it was very nice. I know what you're thinking 'Julia, where's the formality? Where's the professionalism? It's as if you can't be arsed..!' well, you would be right, avid reader. I can't do a serious review on Avatar because it's so flippin' big that it's beyond reviewing. It's beyond anything. I can't actually form propper sentences in order to describe it. Bleh. Ya see?
Okay so really, there's only two things I can say about it (and I am leaving it at two because you start on three and before you know it you're writing a 15,000 word essay when you really should be doing coursework.. heh) The first 'thing' if you will (told you I couldn't be bothered) is:
1. I know, you know, Santa knows that the story just isn't up to scratch. (santa..? I must be hungry, I'm writing like a moron) The plot's been done so many times that when you try to think of all those times it leaves a similar sensation as when you try to ponder about the universe or imagine a very large number of things (education is going well, thanks for asking). The story of Avatar can be simply described as a cross between Fern Gully and Pocahontas. But hey, I'm not complaining as I'm sure most 90's kids won't.
2. Point numero dos (go me) is that actually, it's very pretty. I mean REALLY pretty. When it finished I practically clung onto my chair because I didn't want to leave the amazing world of Pandora. The effects are truly gorgeous and even though I'm not usually one to go and see a movie on effects alone, I would definitely recommend this to anyone. The world that Cameron has created is one of complete realism because every nuance of his living earth is individual and yet related somehow (like the breathing holes in every animal and the fact they all seem to have three sets of legs). So just go see it. That's more of a command than a request. If you don't see it on the big screen in 3D then you really are missing out. Time for me to find some food I think, to restore a bit of sanity.