Clash of the Titans- the tale of Perseus, son of God and general big mac, Zeus, who embarks on a journey of revenge and protection of the city Argos (yeah, yeah "Good job, I ordered a toaster from there" and other such puns) from the rather nasty beast The Kraken, son of Hades. To do so, he must retrieve the stone-turning abilities of one Medusa and her many tete snake chums.
Questions can be asked such as, "How are Medusa's rockin' eyes still able to work with the head decapitated from the body?" And also, "If Kraken is Hades' offspring, who the hell is the moma?!" But these are merely linked to the Greek story itself and not the film. Perhaps we shall never know the answers, or perhaps I could just pick up a book once in a while.
The great thing about modern technology (and more specifically CGI) is that practically anything that the mind can conjure nowadays, can be replicated in 'touch it, it's real!' visual graphics. The Clash of the Titans is a perfect example of this as it is a classic Greek tale from start to finish with no need of side-stepping the story due to the fact that scenery and monsters are practically impossible to recreate realistically without the use of computers. Overall, this is the best quality of the film, the fact that the entire story can be told how it was written. Character- wise, I was especially fond of the fact that Zeus (Liam Neeson) wasn't instantly labeled as 'the good guy' as he himself, had tricked Hades (Ralph Fiennes) in the beginning.
However, the movie did contain a couple of rather unnecessary let downs. The first being Sam Worthington, who's portrayal of Perseus wasn't particularly bad, just down-right boring. Audiences are more likely to connect emotionally with a cardboard cutout of a bowl of porridge than Worthington. Also, the 3D element was clearly a last-minute decision and because of this, there is essentially no need to be wearing the glasses.
All things considered, the story is timeless and director Louis Leterrier clearly had oodles of visual fun making it. I give it, 3 Stars